Sunday, December 18, 2011

You can easily make depilatory wax at home that is cost effective. Mix 250gm sugar with half cup of fresh lime juice. Cook the mixture in a pan over a low flame/slow heat.  Keep stirring until the mixture becomes brown , thick and sticky. Add a tablespoon of glycerine and store it in a small tin or jar.  Before you use the wax, make sure you heat it or place it in a pan of hot water for a few minutes.
Some people develop allergies to wax. Ensure you test a small area of skin before using it on the full body. If you tend to break out into skin eruptions you should avoid using wax.


1. For white pearly teeth :
a) Rub your teeth once a week with a dried bay leaf .

b)Brush your teeth  with a bit of baking soda or table salt once a week.

2. For strong nails :

a) Soak your nails in a mixture of warm almond oil and lemon juice for 15 minutes. Then massage your fingers lightly and just wipe the nails with a soft cloth. The oil can be re-used.

b) Paint brittle nails with colourless iodine before applying nail polish. This prevents the nails from becoming brittle.


1. To strengthen your eyes follow these steps:
a) Look at the rising sun every morning till the redness of the sun is visible. Avoid looking at the sun when it is at its peak or yellow.

b) Eat carrots and apples as they contain carotene that helps maintain a radiance in the eyes.

c) Hold your left or right thumb at eye level. Keep your eyes transfixed to observing your thumb as you move it left , right, up and down. These eye exercises help to strengthen your vision. However, avoid doing it more than two times a day.

2. A remedy for tired eyes:

a) Dip 2 pieces of cottonwool in a cup of cold milk. Squeeze out any excess milk from the cotton wool and   put the cotton pieces on your closed eyelids. Repeat this  process for 10-15minutes or till the milk turns warm.

b) Slices of cucumber placed on closed eyelids provide good relief from tired eyes.